Energy modeling is required for all existing building electrification projects to demonstrate compliance with sustainability local laws. 

While there are several modeling software platforms with varying degrees of strengths and weaknesses permitted by the energy code, SCA has determined that eQuest is the platform to be used on its projects.  

Existing building electrification modeling is used to create a comparison of existing building performance vs. the proposed improvement. 

Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) need to be modeled by the design teams.  

The intent of providing these templates is to give designers a guide to creating their own project-specific models so that the models are repeatable and use consistent information.  Using a uniform format and providing the information in the same manner as these templates will allow the Modeling Review Committee to more easily review the energy models presented with project submissions. Designers are to provide their own modeling reports using the Sample Report below. When using the templates, if the designer notices a parameter at odds with the SCA design requirements or other issue they believe is not captured or captured incorrectly, please notify the Modeling Review Committee through     

The Existing Building Electrification Report Template serves to document the existing building conditions and proposed scope of improvements.  

The Existing Building Electrification Savings Calculator serves to compare the savings achieved by improvements and energy conservation measures and calculate the energy end use breakdown for each building system, as well as electrification savings in terms of energy and carbon. 

The eQuest Modeling Guide for Existing Building Electrification is used in conjunction with the SCA eQuest How to Guide for Energy Models and the SCA eQuest Input Summary for Energy Models found on the ‘Energy Modeling Template and Guide’ tab. This document provides modeling requirements for existing school buildings retrofitted with new all-electric HVAC systems.  Due to the range of design requirements and constraints associated with existing buildings, the sample inputs provided in this document do not cover all existing building scenarios.  As such, project specific documents should supersede any inputs from this guideline that may be deemed inappropriate for the project.