Comments on the proposed actions below should be sent to the attention of:

Kelly Murphy, Senior Director of Real Estate Services
New York City School Construction Authority
25-01 Jackson Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101


Notice of Acceptance and Completion of the
Targeted Final Environmental Impact Statement for the
Proposed Redevelopment of The Former St. John Villa Campus, Staten Island

On behalf of the New York City Department of Education (DOE), the New York City School Construction Authority (SCA) proposes to create three new school facilities, an athletic field with an approximately 700-seat bleacher section, a maintenance building, and an internal driveway network with two parking lots, all of which would be located on Block 3087, Lot 1, as well as a separate parking lot on Block 3089, Lot 59 (the “proposed project”) on the former St. John Villa campus at 57 Cleveland Place in the Arrochar section of Staten Island (the “project site”).  The three new schools would consist of an approximately 764-seat Gifted and Talented primary school/intermediate school (PS/IS) and two separate, independently operated intermediate/high schools (IS/HS) that would collectively provide approximately 1,350 seats.  The two IS/HS would share a gymnasium, auditorium, kitchen, and lobby.  The PS/IS would serve students in grade levels pre-kindergarten through eight throughout New York City.  Each IS/HS would serve students in grade levels six through twelve in the Borough of Staten Island.  All three schools would also serve special education students enrolled in a District 75 program in the Borough of Staten Island.  The proposed schools would collectively introduce approximately 2,114 new school seats to the project site.  Construction would be phased beginning in the first quarter of 2025 and would conclude in the third quarter of 2030.  Therefore, 2030 is assumed for the analysis year.  

The SCA, as lead agency, has accepted the Targeted Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) on the Proposed Redevelopment of the former St. John Villa Campus in Staten Island. The Targeted FEIS is available on the SCA’s website at; a hard copy may be viewed at 25-01 Jackson Avenue, 17th Floor Long Island City, New York 11101; or a copy may be requested in writing at the aforementioned address.

Please publish the links to the attachments in the following order:

Statement of Findings - Redevelopment of the former St. John Villa Campus (SI)
Notice of Completion - Redevelopment of the former St. John Villa Campus (SI)
Targeted FEIS - Redevelopment of the former St. John Villa Campus (SI)
Targeted FEIS Appendices - Redevelopment of the former St. John Villa Campus (SI)
EAF and Supplemental Report - Redevelopment of the former St. John Villa Campus (SI) v2
Appendices to EAF - Redevelopment of the former St. John Villa Campus (SI)
DSOW - Redevelopment of the former St. John Villa Campus (SI) v2.pdf
FSOW - Redevelopment of the former St. John Villa Campus (SI)
Targeted DEIS - Redevelopment of the former St. John Villa Campus (SI)
Appendices to Targeted DEIS - Redevelopment of former St. John Villa (SI)




Pursuant to §1731 of the New York City School Construction Authority Act, notice has been filed for the proposed site selection of Block 6180, Lot(s) 31,33,44 and any other nearby property in the immediate vicinity which may be necessary for the construction of a new, approximately 451-seat (primary) school located in Community School District No. 20 in the Borough of Brooklyn.

Comments on the proposed action are to be submitted to the New York City School Construction Authority at the above address or by email to and will be accepted until Monday, April 29, 2025.



Pursuant to §1731 of the New York City School Construction Authority Act, notice has been filed for the proposed site selection of all or portions of Block 490, Lot 102 and any other nearby sites, located in the Borough of Queens, for the construction of a new, approximately 547 to 754-seat primary/ intermediate school facility in Community School District 30 in Queens.

Comments on the proposed action are to be submitted to the New York City School Construction Authority at the above address or by email to and will be accepted until Monday, January 13, 2025.